Something to chew on

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Screw Slow and Steady, How About Liposuction?

When walking the dogs this morning, I saw a big Sunday Austin American-Statesman newspaper in someone's driving way with the words "Weighing Liposuction" under the plastic wrap. I assumed it was going to be an article about liposuction... you know, pros/cons, history, new technologies, etc.

No, it was about a 12-year-old girl whose parents encouraged and purchased liposuction for her on a payment plan: "It would take Brooke two weeks to lose one pound, Cindy Bates said, and then she'd get frustrated and give up." For the record, that would have her 26 pounds down before she turned 14... on her own!!!

Let's not teach her patience and slow-and-steady-wins-the-race by any means!!!

Short version of the story: She was a fat kid, all her life from what the article said, and ridiculed constantly at school. So her parents got her liposuction from a doctor who saw no problem with the fact that she hadn't quit growing yet and didn't bother to send her to a psychologist or anything.

To his credit, the article said the doctor who performed the surgery encouraged a diet plan before agreeing to the surgery. (Side note: His commercials creep me out, so he doesn't get a mention by name here.) But after hearing the girl's father was sick, he caved.

Here's the other part that got me on my soapbox today: "'We may not be able to buy you a car when it comes time to graduating,' he told his daughter, but 'we'll get you a figure right now, and that will save your life.'"

I'm sorry, a "figure" is not going to save his daughter's life. A lifestyle of healthy eating, fitness, not smoking, being around family and friends who love and respect you no matter what, getting a good night's sleep, participating in hobbies you enjoy, going to church, drinking plenty of water, pets you love... THOSE things will save your life!!!

OK, off of my soapbox. And very thankful that Cole and I walked the Hike and Bike Trail twice this weekend. I'll be very happy to lose a full pound over the next two weeks!!!


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