Something to chew on

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Don't Even Know What Day It Is

But Cole tells me it's Wednesday.

SXSW was great. Educational. Funny. Informative. Controversial at one point. Those of us from Hammock who attended did a bang-up job covering it. Check it out if you want to.

And now that the trips for lattes, BBQ and Tex-Mex are over, I'm ready to get back down to WW business. Stepping on the scale this morning told me exactly what I had done and exactly what I need to do: buckle down and count points.

Back on track, my day in points:

Breakfast: chocolate-bran muffin: 1 point
banana: 2 points

Lunch: cheese quesadilla: 6 points
apple: 1 point

Afternoon snack: granola: 2 points

Dinner: English muffins pizzas: 4 points
Caesar salad: 4 points

TOTAL: 20 points.

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  • The first sign that I'm not having a good eating day is the lack of fruits and vegetables in what I'm eating! It is always the same pattern...increased carbohydrate and fat intake coupled with less fiber, fruit, and vegetable!
    And it only takes a few days of eating that way for my body to rebel. You'd think we would learn, wouldn't you?

    By Blogger Kathy, at March 14, 2008 6:31 AM  

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