Something to chew on

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Challenge of a Perfect Day

Kathy issued a challenge last week for today, April 21: Have a "perfect" day. Of course, that means different things to all of us. For me, a perfect on-plan day usually means 20 points on the nose. But with an hour of bootcamp this evening, I'm going to allow myself to eat some of my activity points for the hour, and allow myself 22 points for the day.

Here's how it went:

Breakfast: 3/4 cup Special K cinnamon pecan: 2 points
1/2 cup soymilk: 1 point
banana: 2 points

Lunch: Smart Ones quesadilla: 4 points
pretzels: 2 points
snack cakes: 1 point

Afternoon snack: yogurt: 1 point
pickles: 0 points

Pre-workout: 100-calorie Balance bar: 2 points

Dinner: one slice pizza: 7 points
spinach: 0 points

TOTAL: 22 points. Nice. Thanks, Kathy!!!

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