Something to chew on

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Simple Request

Do me a favor and eat something healthy today.

In the last year, two men in our family have had a total of five stints placed. Both of these men under the age of 60.

It's the food. It's too much of the bad stuff and not enough of the good. We all know the formula -- eat less and better, and move more -- but it can be so hard to live it. But small changes in your day will make all the difference.
  • Choose an apple instead of cookies.
  • Drink an extra glass of water today.
  • Eat one instead of three -- whatever "it" is.
  • Bake or grill instead of fry.
  • Don't drown it in cheese.
  • Walk around the block. Again.
I love these men, both of them, and I want them around for many more years. You too!

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