Something to chew on

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"If It Had a Momma, It's Protein"

The Biggest Loser comes on again this evening. One episode this season and I'm already hooked. I'm not so into the competition part of it -- though I know having someone to compete with can be a great motivator for some -- I'm more into the "what lessons can I take away from the show?" part.

Last week Bob said, "If it had a momma, it's protein" after one of the participants asked how to know if a food was protein or not.

Wait, now I'm distracted. They're doing the weigh ins as I type, and some of these folks look physically saddened at the fact that they've "only" lost two pounds this week. Two pounds is great. Two pounds a week for even half a year is 50 pounds. That's fabulous!!! I wish the folks losing two pounds would get the same encouragement as those losing 10... Every little pound gets them -- and each of us -- closer to healthy.

Breakfast: toasted mini bagel w/honey: 4 points

Lunch: soup: 2 points
Triscuits: 2 points
Laughing Cow cheese wedge: 1 point
snack cakes: 1 point

Afternoon snack: banana: 2 points
snack cake: 1 point

Dinner: burger: 10 points
fries: 7 points

TOTAL: 28. Yuck.

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  • I had to remind myself that 2 lbs is great too. I was starting to feel bad for Julie who has only lost 5 lbs total when others have lost 10+, but then I had to step back and say...what would I give to lose 2 lbs this week and 3 lbs next week! hope you are enjoying the show.

    By Blogger Goaledgirl, at September 19, 2007 8:29 AM  

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