Something to chew on

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Thunder Is a Star!!!

*Special note: This post is not food-related.

But I had to tell you, Thunder is "pet of the month" over at Mutts Comics!!! How cool is that?!?!

The story: My mother is a HUGE Mutts fan -- even has the tattoo to prove it. And several months ago she let me know that Mutts was searching for stories about pets adopted from shelters across the country. Some of these "shelter stories" as they call them will go into a book where the proceeds from the sales will raise money for shelters across the nation. I entered Thunder's story and picture, hoping that the cross-country tale might catch their eyes.

We don't know yet if he's been chosen for the book, but even just being profiled as their pet of the month online and in their newsletter is pretty cool. If he makes the book, you'll be the first to know!!!



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