Something to chew on

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Couch-to-5K, Week Seven Begins

I'm still sore from Sunday's run, but overall feeling good about the running we're doing. The running doesn't bother me as much as the anticipation sometimes. When I knew that Sunday's run was going to be 25 straight minutes, I almost panicked. I didn't know if I could do it. I worried that I couldn't. The five-minute brisk-walk warm up was torture, just waiting for his voice to say "ready?" The anticipation made me a nervous wreck. But when I hit that 10-minute mark and could still breathe, I knew I would be okay.

This week is three days of 25-minute runs. Knowing I've done it once already is a comfort and gives me hope that I can do it again, several more times. Throughout the day I've been staying hydrated and trying to make decent food choices. I don't want to eat anything that will weigh me down or fight me during the run. Been there already. Not fun.

Unfortunately, Cole is smack in the middle of an allergy attack of some sort since the front blew in over the weekend. I didn't think he would want to run at all this evening, but he did. And we got about 22 minutes of this week's first 25-minute run in. And now my thighs feel like grape jello.

Today's food:

scrambled egg: 2 points
toasted English muffin: 2 points

Mid-morning snack: Rice Krispie treat: 2 points
(I couldn't help myself.)

Lunch: chicken pasta salad: 5 points
garlic toast: 2 points
snack cakes: 1 point

Afternoon snack: 100-calorie Balance bar: 2 points

Dinner: 1 cup Multi-grain Cheerios: 1 point
1/2 cup soymilk: 1 point
banana: 2 points

TOTAL: 20 points

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