Something to chew on

Friday, April 27, 2007

Fridays Are My Favorite

9:05 a.m. Poor ol' Bugsy. We just returned home from Dr. Garza's office where Bugsy had his second urinalysis of the week. I hope this one will be a little more conclusive and we'll be on our way to finding out what's upsetting his ability to do business, if you know what I mean.

1:10 p.m. I'm headed to the convention center to grab my tickets for tomorrow's Scrapbook Expo. Kellie and I have scheduled three classes together throughout the day, plus I'm sure we'll do some shopping and running around in between. I'm ready for a fun weekend.

6:45 p.m. It's so nice to be back in the routine. After Cole was gone for a few days to Houston and I spent part of the last week in Nashville, we're sitting in the living room, smelling the aroma of potatoes and onions roasting in the oven. Just hanging out with four of the five babies around us...

Pre-breakfast: granola bar: 2 points. Anyone who is familiar with the ways of my blood sugar knows that I shouldn't leave the house for an unknown amount of time without a little bite of something to keep me upright.

Kashi vanilla hot cereal: 2 points

Mid-morning snack: melba toast and Laughing Cow cheese: 2 points

Lunch: tuna kit: 5 points

Mid-afternoon snack: granola bites: 2 points
banana: 2 points

Dinner: roasted potatoes: 3 points
small filet: 3 points
breadsticks: 1 point

TOTAL: 22 points

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