Something to chew on

Monday, November 19, 2007


Stepped on the scale Saturday morning to a two-pound gain. Two pounds. I don't think I've gained that much, so I'm going with the weight of the wrap sitting in my tummy from the night before and being a girl.

In our meeting Saturday, Pam talked about the three choices that we have for getting through the holidays: Maintaining the point where we are now and simply getting through the next six weeks, continuing to lose through the next six weeks, or forgetting how to count points and starting over with the new year. No thanks to that last option. I plan to continue to count points, but I know temptation will win at times. As it did the last two days... That damn Paula Deen.

I wish I could be a bigger person and put down the number of points I've eaten today, but I just can't face it. But, tomorrow is another day...

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