Something to chew on

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blood Type

I went to People's Pharmacy this evening to pick up a prescription refill for sweet, crazy T.J. While I was there, a small driver's license-sized card on the counter caught my eye. There were several actually, one for each blood type, and at the very top it simply said "Avoid Foods".

I grabbed my blood type and scanned it: peanuts, peanut butter, catfish, pork -- all, Brussels sprouts. I couldn't believe the things it was telling me to avoid and wondered exactly what it meant I should eat. I put it back and made a mental note of the book the information came from. I have some research to do this evening...

Anyone out there eating based on your blood type?

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  • I had no idea there was a difference in the types of you should it based on blood type... Now you're making me do some research before bed! ;-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 21, 2010 12:31 AM  

  • Was it part of the movement Eat Right for Your Type? There's a book (several probably) about that... When I first started eating vegetarian I found out about it, and read that my blood type (A-) does best on a vegetarian diet. And while I haven't done enough research to know WHY your blood type would dictate what foods you should eat, I can't argue that since I stopped eating all meat I have felt healthier than I have my entire life.

    I'm curious to hear what you find out!!

    By Anonymous Megan, at December 21, 2010 9:53 AM  

  • Denise, let me know if your research turned up anything good.

    Megan, it's interesting, isn't it? Good thing that this O+ Texas gal is allowed to eat red meat! :-)

    By Blogger Summer, at December 21, 2010 1:44 PM  

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