Something to chew on

Saturday, March 12, 2011

30 Days and Five Pounds

A Twitter conversation yesterday inspired and motivated me. Talk of money-saving tips at the grocery store turned into eating healthy, being accountable, and supporting a new friend as she does the same.

I haven't been very good about keeping up with my photos of everything I eat for the past week -- spraining the heck out of my ankle and having a bad reaction to the pain meds had me a bit out of commission. But I want to do better. And I want to keep track for 30 days. How hard can 30 days be?

So, today is March 12. I've taken a picture of everything I've eaten today, and I'm ready to commit to 29 more. Join me. It's simple: Take a picture of everything you eat and keep a photo journal of it for 30 days. I have two goals as I do my 30 days: Make sure there is something colorful and fresh every day, avoiding all-beige days, and lose 5 pounds.

I love it when inspiration and motivation strike unexpectedly!

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