Something to chew on

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ready for Monday

Usually about this time on a Sunday evening, I'm a little sad that Monday is so close. I dread going to bed knowing that when I open my eyes, the weekend will be over and we'll be heading back into the routine of the workweek. (Note: I love my job!!!)

But this week I'm ready for Monday. I need a clean start, a new day, a new attitude. I need to forgive myself for the way I've eaten and allowed myself to slip over the last two weeks. And yes, I did allow myself. I gave myself permission to indulge, too many times. And now I'm regretting it. But a gain of two pounds, a night of being ill and having to skip the scale Saturday out of sheer fear has finally caught up with me. I can't and won't let it happen again.

This week I will:
  • Track and blog my points every day, no matter how ugly the number is.
  • Get a new battery for my pedometer and shoot for 10,000 steps each day.
  • Cook dinner at home instead of just phoning dinner in and hitting the drive-thru.

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